Supporting those identifying as “Black and Minoritised”

In this program you will learn Tension, Stress and Trauma Release Exercises (TRE). A body based practise that offers a self-healing tool, known as the ‘self-induced therapeutic tremor’.
These sessions are offered specifically for individuals identifying as Black and Minoritised (BAM) with the intention to create a space, in which you can explore the impact of living with a racialised identity whilst also acknowledging the effort and exhaustion it takes to live in harmful environments where there is a need to have to personally and professionally challenge racism and discrimination.
Understanding the stress response within race based dynamics and how it affects our bodies, offers an opportunity to heal and liberate ourselves from these patterns.
This work is offered within a liberatory framework and seeks to support those who will benefit from learning TRE, as a way to support you to manage stress, anxiety and overwhelm either related to being racialised or due to stress from work, anxiety, conflict in relationships, physical stresses, accidents or any other form of stress and trauma.
Often over-looked by ‘western science’ the therapeutic tremor, is in fact, an innate and natural response held within the body and used by many indigenous cultures to support individual and community healing. All mammals and humans posses the ability ‘to shake away their stress’. It is one of the most natural, quick and effective ways to unravel deeply held tension patterns within the body. It can support the body, back to balance after a stressful event, through the discharge of stress hormones and the ability to relax the nervous system.
Reported benefits from using TRE include:- feeling calmer, relaxed, less anxious, better able to sleep and cope with life and work pressures. With regular practise people have benefitted from reduced symptoms and relief from pain and illness.

Program 1
Saturday 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th November 2021
Time: 10.30am to 12.30pm
Program 2
Saturday 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th January 2022
Time: 10.30am to 12.30pm
Program 3
Saturday 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th March 2022
Time: 10.30am-12.30pm
If you would like to join us please book now
Cost £100 (Concessions available) Please let us know when booking if you need a concession or to discuss any barriers that may prevent you from accessing this program so that we can mutually explore how to resolve this and support accessibility.
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Anita Bhardwaj
I work in organisations (individuals/teams) and in clinical practise with a keen interest in working with both survivors and professionals to support them to recover and expand their own resilience to trauma, stress and vicarious trauma. My work is embedded within a framework that acknowledges personal and social histories of trauma whilst challenging the, structural inequalities, social injustices and oppression as the root context from which stress and trauma manifest for individuals and communities. I am trained in a variety of modalities. I have most recently co-founded “Race Resilience” a training program based in the UK, which offers the unique combination of cognitive and embodied understanding of racial dynamics and conditioning, combined with developing skills, knowledge and an experiential exploration, of how to challenge such deeply held attitudes, beliefs and behaviours, in order to move towards racial and social justice.